• Two white women sitting across from each other in a therapy room, one gesturing with hands as she talks and the other listens.

    Individual therapy

    Counselling is powerful. It enables healing, growth and improves overall mental wellbeing. When working with mothers, we also know that increased wellbeing and health has a positive impact on the whole family.

    Counselling can help with intrusive thoughts, anxiety, trauma healing, depression, sense of self, increasing self compassion and being the parent that you want to be - anything that you want to understand more or change in your life.

    I am ready to hear your raw, real and messy experience of motherhood - totally free from judgement.

    Weekly or fortnightly, in person or online.

    Standard (50 minutes) - $140

    Extended (80 minutes) - $160

  • Pregnant woman in baby's room looking away from camera.

    Birth preparation

    Birth is a transformation; rooted in strength, trust and knowing oneself. Your deepest strength may be blocked by fears, self doubt or anxiety about what birth is, how your pregnancy is going or how you will navigate the challenge and power of birth itself.

    A birth preparation session will support you to explore these blocks and remove them; helping you to find a sense of calm and steadiness before you move in to your birthing time and space. This session can also support you through the birth mapping process, with considerations for your informed decision making during birth.

    A birth preparation session can also be helpful to talk through your hopes, wants and how to navigate this transformation aligning to your values.

    Partners or birth support people are encouraged to attend.

    Let me support you to connect with your inner strength and trust yourself.

    90 minute appointment, $170.
    120 minute appointment with a partner/support person, $200.

  • Two cisgender white mothers in their 30s sit across from each other, sharing a conversation about motherhood.

    Birth debrief

    Birth is life changing - and while you can prepare for it, you can never truly know how it will unfold and how you will be transformed.

    Birth is a complex and unique experience, unlike anything else in life. You may feel disappointed or angry with yourself or your birth story. You may feel numb, disconnected or that you were lost in the process. You may be grieving the birth you had expected and hoped for. You may feel injured, raw or have trauma.

    Birth can also leave you feeling empowered, energised and strong. Any of these experiences are valid and welcome.

    A birth debrief is an opportunity to sit in a safe space to explore your experience; make sense of your birth story and how you can move forward in motherhood.

    90 minute appointment, $170.

    120 minute appointment with a partner/support person, $200.

  • Motherhood session

    We know that motherhood is WILD. We are pulled in all directions, learning as we go and trying to do the best we can for our kids. Often, we can feel stuck in a pattern of reacting to our kids in ways that do not align with our values, or how we want to parent. We may be triggered by the noise, the needs, the big feelings. We may feel stuck in a pattern or behaviour AND want to change this. To find a way of being with yourself and with your kids that actually feels good, calm, and maybe fun?

    A motherhood session is a deep dive in to one of these issues and working through what is underlying your kids behaviours, your reactions and ways to change. Drawing on evidence based parenting education, child development theory and a relational lens to workshop some options for reaching your goals.

    90 minute appointment, $170.

    A follow up appointment might be helpful; and can be discussed at the time.

Women’s circles

  • We hold space together for deep listening, connection and being heard by other women. We call ourselves present to be creative, mindful and build community.

    We can so often find our strength and calm in the presence of women.

  • Beginning in October
    Two Sunday afternoon sessions, 2.30pm-4.30pm

    $90 total.

    Materials and afternoon tea provided.

Circle of Security parenting group

  • COS is an internationally recognised and accredited program. Drawing from attachment theory, childhood development and self reflection.

    Please join our mailing list to stay up to date.

  • 1.5 - 2 hours per week, for seven weeks, in group with other parents.

    Beginning February, 2023.

    Time to review and reflect between sessions.

    Cost- $450 per couple. Please join the mailing list to be kept up to date.

Pregnancy circle series

  • Pregnancy is a singular time of growth, change and discovery.

    In this two part pregnancy circle you will have the chance to listen to stories of other pregnant women, reflect on your pregnancy journey and share your own thoughts, fears and story.

  • Run over two Sunday mornings in October, 10am-12pm, $95 total.

    All materials and morning tea provided.